EMMETT Therapie

The EMMETT Technique is a unique form of muscle relaxation. It involves the application of light finger pressure at specific points. It is an understanding of the body’s response to light touch thus allowing the muslces to relax.
Symptoms which can be relieved:
Contact me for further information.
Symptoms which can be relieved:
- Neck and shoulder restriction
- Lymphatic congestion
- Migraines or cluster headaches
- Abdominal cramps and discomfort
- Foot pain
- Headaches, dizziness and sinus congestion
- Back and hip discomfort
- Knee and ankle restrictions
- Discomfort during pregnany
- and many more
Contact me for further information.
Sound massage

The skeptics among you will be pleased to hear that sound massage isn’t esoteric at all. The Peter Hess-Sound Massage I perform is based on scientifically proven concepts based on relaxation (read or download the latest research studies).
A 2007 conducted research study by the European Association of Sound Massage Therapy e.V. showed that regular sound massages help considerably in dealing with stress provoked symptoms.
Sound massage with singing bowls emphasizes on relaxation and well-being. The gentle vibrations of the bowls and the harmonious sounds induce a very effective deep relaxation. Throughout deep relaxation, blockages triggered by stress or trauma can be loosened, blood circulation is stimulated and tensions are eased.
This stress preventing and relaxing method is suitable for young and old. Also shy and touch sensitive people can relax quickly as the therapy bowls are placed on the dressed body and tapped gently with a felt mallet.
The sound massage is very popular among musicians or ear-minded people.
In addition, sound massage achieves remarkably good results on ADHD/ADD or nervous children and adults.
In the field of deep relaxation the application of sound massage is very exhaustive:
With people in good health, sound massage will support the development of their inner calm and balance, as well as providing them with energy and strength for their daily tasks.
Creativity and productive energy will receive new impulses.
With physical, mental and psychological issues, sound massage will help to bring relief from pain and problems that cause daily stress, worries, and anxiety.
By way of its relaxing and pain-relieving effect, sound massage can support medical treatment, for instance in cases such as backache, digestive problems, tinnitus, painful joints, shoulder and neck problems, bad circulation, high blood pressure (read more about recent studies here), and tension headaches, as well as many other health issues. Sound massage has proven to be an excellent method to relax clients deeply, in a very short time.
Group sessions are available on demand.
The most important effects of the relaxation through sound massage are:
In addition to the classic sound massage my offers include the following: -
Interested ? Appointments can be booked via the button underneath.
Contact me for further information.
A 2007 conducted research study by the European Association of Sound Massage Therapy e.V. showed that regular sound massages help considerably in dealing with stress provoked symptoms.
Sound massage with singing bowls emphasizes on relaxation and well-being. The gentle vibrations of the bowls and the harmonious sounds induce a very effective deep relaxation. Throughout deep relaxation, blockages triggered by stress or trauma can be loosened, blood circulation is stimulated and tensions are eased.
This stress preventing and relaxing method is suitable for young and old. Also shy and touch sensitive people can relax quickly as the therapy bowls are placed on the dressed body and tapped gently with a felt mallet.
The sound massage is very popular among musicians or ear-minded people.
In addition, sound massage achieves remarkably good results on ADHD/ADD or nervous children and adults.
In the field of deep relaxation the application of sound massage is very exhaustive:
With people in good health, sound massage will support the development of their inner calm and balance, as well as providing them with energy and strength for their daily tasks.
Creativity and productive energy will receive new impulses.
With physical, mental and psychological issues, sound massage will help to bring relief from pain and problems that cause daily stress, worries, and anxiety.
By way of its relaxing and pain-relieving effect, sound massage can support medical treatment, for instance in cases such as backache, digestive problems, tinnitus, painful joints, shoulder and neck problems, bad circulation, high blood pressure (read more about recent studies here), and tension headaches, as well as many other health issues. Sound massage has proven to be an excellent method to relax clients deeply, in a very short time.
Group sessions are available on demand.
The most important effects of the relaxation through sound massage are:
- reduce stress
- deep relaxation
- relief physical and mental blockages in the body
- reinforce your immune system and self-healing forces
- positive influence on creativity and productive energy
- renewed joie de vivre and self-confidence
In addition to the classic sound massage my offers include the following: -
- Sound activities for children or adolescents in nurseries and schools (from march 2015 onward)
- Sound massage at your office – a condensed version of the classic sound massage of 20 minutes duration. Perfect for a little refreshment between two meetings, carried out at your workplace.
- Sound meditation for groups (maximum 12 people).
Interested ? Appointments can be booked via the button underneath.
Contact me for further information.
FYI: Sound massage does by no means replace (psycho)therapeutic or medical treatment or counselling . Sound massages do not heal ! They provide the necessary relaxation your body and mind need to cope with blockages.
Gua Sha

Gua Sha consists of repeated scraping on oiled skin with an object rounded edge. A Chinese porcelain spoon or jade tool is commonly used. The rounded edge is pressed onto the oiled skin and moved along the muscles or meridians in approx. 10 to 15 cm long pulls. This procedure causes increased blood flow (Sha) in the skin, which also causes petechiae and ecchymoses. The blood flow is stimulated and this allows the muscles to relax.
Gua Sha can also be used on the face, which makes the skin look fresher and "younger" in the long run.
Typically, clients can feel relief and change immediately.
If you are interested, simply book an appointment using the "button" below.
For inquiries please contact me.
Gua Sha can also be used on the face, which makes the skin look fresher and "younger" in the long run.
Typically, clients can feel relief and change immediately.
If you are interested, simply book an appointment using the "button" below.
For inquiries please contact me.
Relaxation techniques

For adults, adolescents and children
RELAXATION TRAINING offers you easy to master methods to relax, which can be easily integrated into your everyday life.
Methods such as progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training or simple exercises help you bring your body and your mind back into balance and reduce stress effectively.
Various breathing techniques as well as a selection of Yoga and Qi Gong exercises are part of my program. Of course the techniques do not have any sporting requirements. Each program is customized to your needs and physical condition.
Relaxation is not intended to be esoteric...I offer you pure stress prevention techniques that help you to go gently through life. Tips and tricks that can be useful in everyday life and be performed without prior experience. Keep calm and say NO TO STRESS and BURN-OUT.
Relaxation should above all be fun. We'll discuss the different techniques briefly and put them into practice straight away.
Are you a student and suffer of exam nerves ? I offer special designed programs for students. These include relaxation exercises and techniques to improve your concentration and memory skills, as well as some motor exercises to refresh your body and brain.
I also offer programs for teachers and lecturers – special voice and speech techniques so that your vocal organ is less stressed at the end of the day, as well as exercises that can be carried out quickly between two classes.
Whether you're a housewife/homemaker or top manager, my relaxation programs are suitable for any person, of any age.
Without fuel the most powerful engine will not run. Let me help you refuel that engine.
Contact me for further information or book your first coaching unit underneath.
RELAXATION TRAINING offers you easy to master methods to relax, which can be easily integrated into your everyday life.
Methods such as progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training or simple exercises help you bring your body and your mind back into balance and reduce stress effectively.
Various breathing techniques as well as a selection of Yoga and Qi Gong exercises are part of my program. Of course the techniques do not have any sporting requirements. Each program is customized to your needs and physical condition.
Relaxation is not intended to be esoteric...I offer you pure stress prevention techniques that help you to go gently through life. Tips and tricks that can be useful in everyday life and be performed without prior experience. Keep calm and say NO TO STRESS and BURN-OUT.
Relaxation should above all be fun. We'll discuss the different techniques briefly and put them into practice straight away.
Are you a student and suffer of exam nerves ? I offer special designed programs for students. These include relaxation exercises and techniques to improve your concentration and memory skills, as well as some motor exercises to refresh your body and brain.
I also offer programs for teachers and lecturers – special voice and speech techniques so that your vocal organ is less stressed at the end of the day, as well as exercises that can be carried out quickly between two classes.
Whether you're a housewife/homemaker or top manager, my relaxation programs are suitable for any person, of any age.
Without fuel the most powerful engine will not run. Let me help you refuel that engine.
Contact me for further information or book your first coaching unit underneath.
FYI: Relaxation techniques do by no means replace (psycho)therapeutic or medical treatment or counselling . They provide the necessary relaxation your body and mind need to cope with blockages and stress. If you need further therapeutic counselling I can arrange an appointment with a specialized therapist.
Groups, classes and corporate activities
In addition to individual coaching, I offer a range of relaxation programs for groups, businesses and corporate groups.
The content and form of those workshops or programs can be discussed during a personal meeting.
Are you the head of your company's HR Department or training department ? Do you work as a teacher or educator with groups of children or adolescents ?
Feel free to request an appointment for further information.
The content and form of those workshops or programs can be discussed during a personal meeting.
Are you the head of your company's HR Department or training department ? Do you work as a teacher or educator with groups of children or adolescents ?
Feel free to request an appointment for further information.
I can’t concentrate on my work.
I feel empty and I have no energy.
My work used to be fun but I completely lost the spark.
I suffer from test anxiety and exam nerves.
People accuse me of constantly being confrontational and raising my voice.
My driving style has become more aggressive and I'm often in a hurry.
I'm often moody.
I'm not able to rest.
I do not want to get up in the morning.
If any of the above mentioned apply to you, you will definitely enjoy sound massages or relaxation techniques. For these are the signs that you are probably one of the million people suffering of stress symptoms. This may sooner or later lead into a vicious circle which can affect not only you, but also your immediate surroundings. In addition to the psychological problems related to stress, it can lead to other health issues such as high blood pressure, stomach ache, intestinal problems, anxiety, nervousness etc.
"Relax" – such a simple word, even a very simple task. However in today’s fast paced and stressful society, many people have lost or neglected that capability. We are caught in the stress of everyday life and no longer listen to our body. The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified chronic stress as the greatest threat to health in modern life. Let me help you find your inner peace and well-being.
Goal: refueling and relaxing.
Life should not be a torment. It is my pleasure to guide you through simple exercises and techniques that can help you find a way to calm down, to regain inner peace, to be able to work concentrated and focused and to be able to cope with stress without getting blocked by it. After relaxation training you will be able to prioritize, think structurally and once again be receptive for new information and tasks. The brain will be able to maximize its potential, because the physical and mental blockages have been released. Most importantly, you will be able to keep a cool head and stay relaxed even in the most stressful situations.
Please contact me if you are interested in booking a first consultation.
I feel empty and I have no energy.
My work used to be fun but I completely lost the spark.
I suffer from test anxiety and exam nerves.
People accuse me of constantly being confrontational and raising my voice.
My driving style has become more aggressive and I'm often in a hurry.
I'm often moody.
I'm not able to rest.
I do not want to get up in the morning.
If any of the above mentioned apply to you, you will definitely enjoy sound massages or relaxation techniques. For these are the signs that you are probably one of the million people suffering of stress symptoms. This may sooner or later lead into a vicious circle which can affect not only you, but also your immediate surroundings. In addition to the psychological problems related to stress, it can lead to other health issues such as high blood pressure, stomach ache, intestinal problems, anxiety, nervousness etc.
"Relax" – such a simple word, even a very simple task. However in today’s fast paced and stressful society, many people have lost or neglected that capability. We are caught in the stress of everyday life and no longer listen to our body. The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified chronic stress as the greatest threat to health in modern life. Let me help you find your inner peace and well-being.
Goal: refueling and relaxing.
Life should not be a torment. It is my pleasure to guide you through simple exercises and techniques that can help you find a way to calm down, to regain inner peace, to be able to work concentrated and focused and to be able to cope with stress without getting blocked by it. After relaxation training you will be able to prioritize, think structurally and once again be receptive for new information and tasks. The brain will be able to maximize its potential, because the physical and mental blockages have been released. Most importantly, you will be able to keep a cool head and stay relaxed even in the most stressful situations.
Please contact me if you are interested in booking a first consultation.

You might first be interested in knowing who or what I am NOT. I am not some kind of Guru trying to sell new wave, esoteric, concepts to you. And I am most definitely NOT a healer that has a cure against every disease known to mankind. I simply want to help you to relax.
Name: Gilles Heinisch
Age: 41
Master in applied communications (IHECS Brussels)
Certified Relaxation Coach
Certified Peter Hess-Sound Massage Practicioner (Peter Hess Institut)
Certified KLiK Practicioner - Sound projects with kids (Peter Hess Institut)
TRX Qualified Trainer
EMMETT-Therapie (Muscle Relaxation Massage & Therapie) certified Practicioner
I started my career working in various Advertisement and Marketing Departments. Communication was and still is a big part of my everyday life, though the setting changed. In this stressful domain, I witnessed how the lack of good communication between people can lead to negative stress, and in the worst case scenario people suffer from its consequences. This will lead to more stress as you can't do your job in a decent manner and your overall performance suffers. Unfortunately I got to see a lot of people suffer from these consequences, thus leading to BURN OUT and other health issues. Interested in relaxation techniques myself for a long time, I wanted to take it a step further and help other people.
That's when I decided in 2013 to start studying relaxation techniques and get an overall knowledge on the following: Autogenic Training, Muscle Relaxation, relaxation elements from Qi Gong, Yoga and Kinesiology, Breathing exercises, .....
In 2014 I started a course at the Peter Hess Institut for Sound Massage Practicioner in Basic Sound Massage Therapy and in specialized training to work with kids, which I accomplished in early 2015.
I will continuously train myself in various relaxation methods in order to offer you the best service.
Contact me if you need further informations.
Name: Gilles Heinisch
Age: 41
Master in applied communications (IHECS Brussels)
Certified Relaxation Coach
Certified Peter Hess-Sound Massage Practicioner (Peter Hess Institut)
Certified KLiK Practicioner - Sound projects with kids (Peter Hess Institut)
TRX Qualified Trainer
EMMETT-Therapie (Muscle Relaxation Massage & Therapie) certified Practicioner
I started my career working in various Advertisement and Marketing Departments. Communication was and still is a big part of my everyday life, though the setting changed. In this stressful domain, I witnessed how the lack of good communication between people can lead to negative stress, and in the worst case scenario people suffer from its consequences. This will lead to more stress as you can't do your job in a decent manner and your overall performance suffers. Unfortunately I got to see a lot of people suffer from these consequences, thus leading to BURN OUT and other health issues. Interested in relaxation techniques myself for a long time, I wanted to take it a step further and help other people.
That's when I decided in 2013 to start studying relaxation techniques and get an overall knowledge on the following: Autogenic Training, Muscle Relaxation, relaxation elements from Qi Gong, Yoga and Kinesiology, Breathing exercises, .....
In 2014 I started a course at the Peter Hess Institut for Sound Massage Practicioner in Basic Sound Massage Therapy and in specialized training to work with kids, which I accomplished in early 2015.
I will continuously train myself in various relaxation methods in order to offer you the best service.
Contact me if you need further informations.
Bildquellen: Meditation © - spanishale | Klangschalen © Archiv Peter Hess Institut, Uenzen | Entspannung & Kinderklangspiel © unknown, Google | White Lotus © - japa-chang | Cloudy Sky © - fcl1971